Thursday, December 15, 2022

End of Semester

 As the semester approaches, it's time to start wrapping things up and preparing for the new term.  Finishing strong is important and will help being successful in the upcoming semesters. As this was my first semester at college it has been a learning experience. Learning how to manage my time and keeping up and turning in all of my assignments on time were the most important things I've learned in this semester. Being in this class was fun and I learned many new things.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

5.10.4 VLOOKUP

Vlookup is an incredibly useful tool for anyone who works with spreadsheets or databases. It allows you to quickly and easily search for data, saving you time and effort. Instead of manually searching through a table of data, you can use Vlookup to quickly retrieve the data you need. It's also a great tool for quickly comparing values between two different tables.

Saturday, November 26, 2022


Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful day surrounded by family and friends, and of course, delicious food!

Saturday, November 19, 2022


I passed the MO-200 exam on my first try and now only need MO-300 to complete my MOS certification. I was nervous about not passing as I was not very confident in Excel, but I managed to get through it. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022


Excel has been tough for me as I have never used it before, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I'm still getting used to all of the different features and functions, but I'm slowly getting there. I'm determined to master Excel.

Saturday, November 5, 2022


The Christmas and Thanksgiving season is upon us! This is a time of year where we reflect on what we are thankful for and celebrate with family and friends. For some, this is also a time of year where we give back to those less fortunate. Whether you are volunteering your time or donating money or goods, there are many ways to get involved. This season is also a great time to reconnect with loved ones and make new memories. So whatever your plans are, make sure to enjoy this festive time of year!

Monday, October 31, 2022

Falling behind in other classes

Although I'm doing fine in this class, my other classes aren't doing too well. I've been focusing most of my time to this class because it's the most time consuming, but I'll need to focus some more time on my other classes because I'm starting to fall behind in them.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

5.5.5 Cell Formatting Facts

In Microsoft Excel, cell formatting is the process of changing the appearance of a cell to affect how the cell is displayed. Cell formatting can include changing the color of the cell, changing the style of the cell, or changing the size of the cell. You can customize the cells format, font and style to your preferences.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

IS-101 so far

IS-101 has been great so far. I have learned how to use Word and now moving on to Excel. I enjoy learning about them and I am looking forward to learning more in the future.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

4.11.5 Word Header, Footer, & Section Facts

Headers and footers are most commonly used to insert page numbers into a document, but you can use headers and footers to insert all types of useful information. Headers and footers help keep longer documents organized and makes them easier to read. They are also useful for including information that you want to display on every page, or specific pages. Header and footer content can be changed using section breaks. Section breaks enable you to split a document into several sections, letting you to apply different formatting and layouts to each section.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

2.7.12 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that focuses on intelligent machines. AI has already been implemented in various technologies ranging from computer games and simple voice recognition to advanced robotics and expert systems. Scientific research in artificial intelligence has been applied to video games since the mid-twentieth century. In the early years, AI development was focused on how to beat human players. More recently, AI has been applied to enhance players' gaming experiences. AI elements in gaming include complex machine learning systems and more believable visuals that capture natural human emotion. A common way AI are used in games are NPCs or non-player characters. These are characters in the game who act intelligently as if they were controlled by human players. Their behavior is determined by artificial intelligence algorithms and engines. There is also a hypothetical point in the future when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence, then rapidly grow out of control, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Scientists disagree on whether the technological singularity could ever be achieved.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

1.4.2 Computer Security Risk

I think it is important to know what risks you are when using the computer and internet. Viruses, spyware, and malware can all infect your computer and put your personal information at risk. Hackers can also gain access to your computer and steal your data. To prevent hackers from taking your data you can use a firewall to control the flow of network traffic and protect systems from unauthorized network connections. They are configured with a set of rules that define what kind of traffic is allowed and what kind is not allowed. Anti-Malware Software to detect and prevent any viruses. Or Data Destruction if you are disposing a computer or hard drive you are not using anymore. These are some computer security measures to protect your information.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Week 2 in IS101

The second week of IS101 was more manageable now that I understand how this class works better helping me get better at staying on track. I was behind, but now I'm almost caught up. Mr. Wu helps and makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Catching Up

I am getting used to balancing all my work from classes and it is getting better. I have been falling behind a bit because of some procrastination and laziness, but I am getting some motivation to do all my work now. I will try my best and catch up with all my work in all my classes.

Monday, September 5, 2022

IS101-3012 first impression

I have never taken a class like this before so I was nervous that I would not be able to pass because I didn't know anything. I search Professor Wu on and there were many good reviews. The class is time consuming so I have to adjust to finishing as much work ahead of time. I am looking forward to seeing what we will do in this class.