Saturday, November 12, 2022


Excel has been tough for me as I have never used it before, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I'm still getting used to all of the different features and functions, but I'm slowly getting there. I'm determined to master Excel.


  1. Love your determination to master Microsoft Excel, Joshua ^_^

    You will succeed!

  2. The first step for a new thing is the hardest. I know you can do it! Please let me know if you need any help!

  3. You can do it Joshua! Learning something new is always a challenge. But you'll conquer this like you did Word.

  4. You got this Joshua. There are so many features and functions and it's good to know you are determined to "master Excel. You will excel at Excel.

  5. Excel was hard for me because I didn’t use it as much as I should have. Keep pushing through, you will do great.

  6. I can understand that feeling I am currently trying to improve my speed in Excel, cheers lets get better at this together.

  7. Excel was the most difficult thing I have learned this semester in all of my classes.

  8. Keep it going. Reach out to the Professor don't be shy. I did when I was stuck on understanding a few things. I never used it as well but I did pass the MO-200.

  9. Good luck, it's definitely achievable! Even if I don't get the basics of Excel down completely by the end of this semester, I still aim to master it down the road. Since I'm a business major, I'll be expecting to meet Excel soon again.

  10. Don't worry you will be Excel-lent at this program once you are done. It took me multiple tries to complete this section. Take your time and you will do great.

  11. You're going to love excel once you get the hang of it! It sure was tough for me as well.

  12. Pain in my rear. It is getting better as I am understanding more and more and reading correctly.

  13. You got this!! Excel is indeed a challenging system, but don’t worry, a lot of practice will help you master it.
