Saturday, September 17, 2022

Week 2 in IS101

The second week of IS101 was more manageable now that I understand how this class works better helping me get better at staying on track. I was behind, but now I'm almost caught up. Mr. Wu helps and makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere.


  1. Glad I can be helpful and you feel like you are getting somewhere :-)

    By the way, you scored the second highest on Bonus Quiz 3 ^_^

  2. Good job Joshua! I feel like as long as you're willing to accept the help and do the work, Mr. Wu wants to see you succeed in this class.

  3. I wish all my professors was like Mr. Wu. He cares so much for us to succeed in his class there is no way anyone would be left behind.

  4. Congratulations on catching up and understanding the class. You are going to do great. Yes, Mr. Wu is an amazing instructor. He is one in very few that go above and beyond for his student's success.

  5. You are too modest. Getting that high grade as a BQ3 shows you are very talented. You will definitely pass all seven exams and be the one to get Expert certification! I believe in you!

  6. The second week was definitely way more manageable, especially with LabSim—it can be very challenging at times but it ends up being fun when you actually apply those skills you learned in real-life settings. Great to see you pushing through!

  7. Professor Wu. keeps us on track. Great to hear you have caught up. LabSim is very fun and challenging.

  8. I am happy that you are now caught up, Joshua. I don't think I am technically behind but if others are ahead of me I do feel behind.

  9. Keep pushing forward. Mr. Wu will help when help is needed.

  10. Congrats of catching up. I know you will succeed this semester. If you feel it is too much at times take a step back and breath and recompose yourself and you will pass everything.

  11. Good on you for catching up because its easy to get behind in this course.

  12. It's easy to fall behind, so I'm delighted to hear you're catching up. One of the most important things in college is time management, so try to find your way through it.

  13. I'm glad now you caught up in the class. Mr. Wu is very dedicated and can help you a lot whenever you need it.

  14. Nice that you're catching up! I am still trying to catch up too haha. We are in this together!

  15. I'm starting to get that feeling to like I'm going somewhere.

  16. Keep pushing, I'm sure things will continue to get easier for you.

  17. I'm glad to hear that you're catching up.

  18. Mr. Wu does make it very easy to catch up if you are willing to buckle down and do what needs to be done. He definitely embodies the no one left behind mentality and I for one and very thankful for that , with my schedule it's been kind of hard to keep up but he has continued to push me and won't let me quit.
