Saturday, September 24, 2022

1.4.2 Computer Security Risk

I think it is important to know what risks you are when using the computer and internet. Viruses, spyware, and malware can all infect your computer and put your personal information at risk. Hackers can also gain access to your computer and steal your data. To prevent hackers from taking your data you can use a firewall to control the flow of network traffic and protect systems from unauthorized network connections. They are configured with a set of rules that define what kind of traffic is allowed and what kind is not allowed. Anti-Malware Software to detect and prevent any viruses. Or Data Destruction if you are disposing a computer or hard drive you are not using anymore. These are some computer security measures to protect your information.


  1. Yes, digital security is not just about preventing unauthorized access but data loss as well :-)

    Destroying or fully wiping a storage device so your information do not fall into unintended hands is something many people don't think about. Thank you for mentioning it ^_^

  2. Very well put. Today one of the biggest issues is hackers getting into our credit sites, our banks and so on. Everyone should pay more attention to this.

  3. Thank you for sharing. I always have had performed factory resets which helps wipe everything on the hard drive.

  4. Computer risks are becoming more common than before. Nowadays, most of us pay our bills online which has made it easier for us to get hacked and our information stolen. Using Anti-Malware can prevent us from getting hacked, and we also must be cautious of sites we visit.

  5. I am so scared to get rid of my old phones and computers just because of that.

  6. It's frightening to think that with the click of a mouse someone can get their personal data/identity stolen.

  7. Thank you for the great insight on computer usage risks.

  8. Installing anti-virus software is a very effective way to prevent all aspects of your computer from being hacked. Although this kind of security degree cannot achieve 100 percent, in the present network life, it must cause people enough attention!

  9. I used to spend lots of money to get the best anti ware and firewall software. I'm so happy that most computers and electronics now come with built in security features.

  10. Agreed, it definitely is important to know the risks! I learned my lesson at a young age when I wanted to download the Sims and it ended up ruining my computer. I never wanted to play the Sims ever again.

  11. The most secure of network security is an air gap. Where the business internet is only connected between computers inside the building.

  12. I have an anti-malware subscription on my laptop. It sure does help! It does not cost me too much money and it keeps me safe and protected.

  13. Im looking forward to the day when Ill be able to understand the network settings like the back of my hand. Thank you for sharing.

  14. I have never had the need to throw out an old device. I may need to look into the data destruction you mentioned for my old iMac!

  15. so crazy how many precautions we have to be prepared to make to protect our data.

  16. Knowing about risks like viruses, malware, spyware, etc. is crucial because they may all steal personal information.

  17. The internet really is a dangerous place. Probably more so than the physical world.

  18. I remember when I was younger about 8 years-old I would accept all these pop ups on the internet and eventually my computer stopped working turns out there were to many viruses on it.
