Wednesday, December 7, 2022

5.10.4 VLOOKUP

Vlookup is an incredibly useful tool for anyone who works with spreadsheets or databases. It allows you to quickly and easily search for data, saving you time and effort. Instead of manually searching through a table of data, you can use Vlookup to quickly retrieve the data you need. It's also a great tool for quickly comparing values between two different tables.


  1. VLookup and it's sibling HLookup are functions that elevate someone from amateur to professional level!

    Good choice of topic, Joshua :-)

  2. VLookup is super helpful when your data is on different worksheets or even in different workbooks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooo. EXCEL-ent choice Joshua, this is a fun tool to have.

  5. VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are amazing functions that aid in sifting through the many thousand rows and columns in Excel.

  6. VLOOKUP is a great tool to have for finding data in a spreadsheet or spreadsheets. It comes in handy when I want to find specific data within my monthly reports and helps me compare figures from past months.

  7. VLOOKUP is a great tool for expert excel users like myself. Just kidding. It was fun learning how to use VLOOKUP. I don't know when will be the next time I will use this function.

  8. Last week I had to do an audit on a spreadsheet and VLOOKUP saved me from spending many hours on that task.

  9. Vlookup is very helpful for us to find data, especially when we look for the data we need in different worksheets, its role is shown.

  10. I would seriously love to practice VLOOKUP some more. My boss mentioned that she was the only one who knew how to do it at her previous job. This blew me away!

  11. VLOOKUP is something I still need to work on, but I can't wait to re-learn it because it has a special use.

  12. Just told my brother about VLOOKUP and he didn't even have a clue about it. He's been using spreadsheets for years.
