Saturday, November 5, 2022


The Christmas and Thanksgiving season is upon us! This is a time of year where we reflect on what we are thankful for and celebrate with family and friends. For some, this is also a time of year where we give back to those less fortunate. Whether you are volunteering your time or donating money or goods, there are many ways to get involved. This season is also a great time to reconnect with loved ones and make new memories. So whatever your plans are, make sure to enjoy this festive time of year!


  1. Thank you for your sincere wishes! I also hope you have a happy holiday!

  2. How timely, my most recent blog post is one of reflection :-)

    As for volunteering, I volunteered to help man a polling site for Clark County Election Department this coming Tuesday.

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, Joshua ^_^

  3. As a kid, I've always dreamed of giving back to those who are less fortunate during the holidays. I remember my first time buying a meal box for a disabled homeless man but I was too shy to give it to him, so one of my siblings did it for me. The feeling of helping someone instead of walking by them like everyone else was doing made me so warm inside. I actually just might look into local charitable events now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are close!

  4. I enjoy this time of year especially spending it with my family and eating till I can’t no more. I hope your holiday season is filled with joy.

  5. Happy holidays. I tend to donate to Toys for Tots, I try to donate blood once a month as well. I always try to help others before helping myself. I tend go out of my way and keep helping non-stop.

  6. I hope everyone has a safe and sane holiday season. Volunteer when you can to help others who are less fortunate.

  7. I am definitely thankful for my veterans benefits allowing me to enroll in college without spending a dime of my own personal money. This is while getting paid a monthly stipend for being enrolled at 12 or more credits. I have yet to volunteer for anything just yet because school-work-sleep take up the majority of my time.

  8. Thank you sir happy holidays to you and your family.

  9. I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming Christmas holiday. We are going to go on a family vacation and will definitely be reconnecting with each other.

  10. Holidays are the best time of the year, I agree. Much to be celebrated of course. I love the food during this time of the year. Holiday specials are upon us as well. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.

  11. Thank you!! I wish you a pleasant holiday season as well! I'm eager to embrace the festive spirit.
