Monday, October 31, 2022

Falling behind in other classes

Although I'm doing fine in this class, my other classes aren't doing too well. I've been focusing most of my time to this class because it's the most time consuming, but I'll need to focus some more time on my other classes because I'm starting to fall behind in them.


  1. Yes, a computer-based course such as IS101 Introduction to Information Systems typically take more time and effort than a traditional lecture/read/paper-writing course :-)

    There are only 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week. Identify all obligations you have and prioritize your time and energy to meet them best able!

    From what I understand, all of your classmates balance work, school, and caring for family members. Some successfully, some not so successfully.

    What you consider as an obligation vs. fun/nice-to-do and how you prioritize your time and energy to meet your obligations will define you as an adult or as a child.

    You will succeed in keeping up in all of your courses, Joshua ^_^

  2. Time management isn't easy, it's hard and sometimes sacrifices are made. But a few tips for completing the Lab-Sims: 1) if you can, listen to the videos in 1.5x speed and use the reading pane to follow along, 2) read EVERYTHING - there are concepts in the reading portions that are not in the videos, and 3) when doing the labs, if you don't know it, just use the hint button and let them show you, then do it again, because muscle memory works. This is what worked for me to get through Lab-Sim quickly, and hopefully can work for you too :)

  3. When I found out your parents are Chinese, I thought you must be able to speak Mandarin. Please let me know if I need any help! You'll be great in other classes, too! Believe in yourself, and I cheer for you!

    1. 请让我知道你是否需要额外的帮助在你的其他课程上,我相信你一定会很优秀的!你的Presentation我很喜欢,你的前途会一片光明。

    2. Hmm... So your comment in Chinese is not an exact mirror of your comment in English. Let me translate your comment in Chinese to English :-)

      "Please let me know if you need help with your other classes, I believe you must be exceling! I like your presentation, your future is bright.

    3. 感谢您的精准翻译!我相信Joshua会成长起来!我看好他。

    4. Thank you for your precise translation! I believe Joshua will grow up! I'm optimistic about him.

  4. Taking multiple classes each semester can get stressful. It's all about balance and organizing which tasks to prioritize. Otherwise, I hope you don't fall behind in your other classes my mate.

  5. The hardest thing to get right in college is time management. There are many things required and sometimes it gets difficult to focus on the most important assignments. I know for me, it has been a bit difficult. It took 8 weeks to get my time management just right and now I feel like I can do it all with time to spare. Stay strong my friend. You will get it right too. Patience is also important, so don't over stress yourself out.

  6. I ran into the same problem a couple weeks back and thought to myself, "I'm never taking 18 credits ever again." As time went on, I instinctively picked up on the prioritization of certain assignments and I'm still learning as I go. Good luck on picking up the rhythm soon, we only have about 1 month left!

  7. Yes, this class is a little time consuming but the skills we are learning will help us throughout our career.

  8. This class is very time consuming so much It was taking away from polishing my other courses.

  9. Time management is a skill that I am also struggling with I find myself with a large chunk of time to get things done coming up yet I lack the focus to just hit my nose to the grindstone so I end up slowing down instead of staying ahead. Here is hoping you can find and share a solution.

  10. It is hard to stay balanced but you can do it. Stay focussed.

  11. Time management is not easy. Its something you have to continue on doing. I thought I was doing good then work became more demanding and then to top it off I got sick. Time management went out the window. Time management is always on going its not just something you master and forget it.

  12. I am also falling behind in classes but I am keeping up the good fight and will keep trying until the very end of the semester.

  13. I completely understand your situation. Some subjects definitely require more time for studying than others. You got this keep it going!!

  14. I also found myself overwhelmed this semester with my classes, keep going!
