Saturday, September 10, 2022

Catching Up

I am getting used to balancing all my work from classes and it is getting better. I have been falling behind a bit because of some procrastination and laziness, but I am getting some motivation to do all my work now. I will try my best and catch up with all my work in all my classes.


  1. I applaud your honesty and courage in sharing why are you have fallen behind ^_^

    I was a student once, just graduating from high school, first semester in college. Procrastination and laziness were no stranger to me. I grew out of it and I believe you will as well, Joshua!

    Find value and joy in your school work and the degree that you are pursuing. You got this!

  2. Keep pushing, you got this. Either you can get it done now or be a 40 yrs old freshman.

  3. "Taking responsibility for your actions means you recognize the areas of your life that you can control and make positive changes to. It also means accepting and moving past the things you cannot control, without placing blame or excuses." I took PSY 102 during the Summer 2022 semester and it taught me a lot about accepting responsibility. You are on a good path and I'm sure you will do great.

  4. Joshua, you got this. Remember the reason why you started this journey.

  5. You got this Joshua! Finding motivation for anything is difficult, but once you find your groove, things will get easier.

  6. Keep chipping away at the work little by little You got this.

  7. You got this. You will get better at time management and will eventually procrastinate less. Self reflection shows you can find the flaws and now is the time to try and fight the old easy habit of procrastination it took me 4 years I know it will take a lot less time for you to overcome saying I will do my homework in an hour and then next you know its 2 minutes to 11:59 and your essay is due. I speak from personal experience. (Insert nervous smile here). You will pass all of your classes this semester.

  8. Joshua, we are in the same boat. I am finding myself falling behind because of things going on around me. I am getting it together starting today! We can do this.

  9. You've probably heard the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. But I'm sure you'll make it. It's not too late!

  10. Everyone procrastinates a little. It is how you finish that makes the difference. Looks like you will finish strong.

  11. I have always been extremely bad at keeping up with schoolwork, but laziness is definitely something that can be grown out of - not overnight, but you will see the results when you slowly push yourself at your own pace. :)

  12. My procrastination is starting to kick in now, so I completely understand how you have felt. I am trying my best to do as many assignments as I can. Better start now, than later! Best of luck to you.

  13. Learning to fall in love with the process is how one learns how to love the work they do; as a result one learns to fall in love with what they become.

  14. It can definitely be hard to keep up but I tell myself that the pain of regret is worse then the pain that comes from effort so make your choice!

  15. You must constantly find inspiration to keep working hard. So maintain your good effort.

  16. This is just the beginning, and it is important to be honest with ourselves and recognize it. I know that you will grow, and improve the areas that you need to do so.

  17. Hey great Job. Being able to balance school work is probably one of the biggest pieces of the pie. Keep it up.

  18. I understand the feeling, keep up the positivity! :)

  19. I too am feeling the pressure of having to catch up due to procrastination and laziness, it's funny to because I wrote a blog about keeping up. It's one of those things that is easier said than done, for me anyway.
