Saturday, October 1, 2022

2.7.12 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that focuses on intelligent machines. AI has already been implemented in various technologies ranging from computer games and simple voice recognition to advanced robotics and expert systems. Scientific research in artificial intelligence has been applied to video games since the mid-twentieth century. In the early years, AI development was focused on how to beat human players. More recently, AI has been applied to enhance players' gaming experiences. AI elements in gaming include complex machine learning systems and more believable visuals that capture natural human emotion. A common way AI are used in games are NPCs or non-player characters. These are characters in the game who act intelligently as if they were controlled by human players. Their behavior is determined by artificial intelligence algorithms and engines. There is also a hypothetical point in the future when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence, then rapidly grow out of control, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. Scientists disagree on whether the technological singularity could ever be achieved.


  1. How timely! Artificial Intelligence is always a populate topic :-)

    Be sure comment on my blog post

    with your example of AI being used in video games soonest ^_^

  2. Artificial intelligence is quickly evolving. Have you seen the news about Google's AI that allegedly became sentient.

  3. Artificial intelligence is definitely a hot field because more and more life and social security need to rely on artificial intelligence to complete it!

  4. Artificial Intelligence has many benefits and risks. Will AI take our jobs or create additional employment opportunities? I believe it will create more jobs that will require higher-skilled workers.

  5. I think it's possible for artificial intelligence to surpass human intelligence eventually. Will it happen in our lifetime? Probably not, but never say never.

  6. It is kinda of scary when you see what we as humans can create. Who knows what is next? I know Japan has robots that act like men and women. There are dogs and cats that breathe and act real and are just robots. Let's see what comes out next?

  7. It's interesting that you posted about AI. I recently read an article on how AI all started. Here is the link if you are interested. The History of Artificial Intelligence by Rockwell Anyoha. I found it to be extremely interesting and educational.

  8. AI has came a long way. With that being said, are they soon gonna replace us in the work field. There are robotic welders in the automotive industry. There is also robotic bartenders at Planet Hollywood, even our best friends. They have robotic dogs, there is even (not to sound like a male chauvinist pig) have robotic strippers. Is our Judgement day coming for us. The movie is out, is that what we look forward to in the future. Makes you just wonder.

  9. AI is scary. Next thing we know, we are gonna have robots replacing us for everything. I went to a restaurant one day and saw a robot hand me my food. No servers needed!

  10. I am using AI to type this comment. I am just kidding, no I am not. I will agree with the scientist that conclude AI will have an end point, someone has to unplug the power. Why not just cut out the permission for AI to use internet and electricity and or batteries, I think that would solve the issue of AI taking over human intelligence.

  11. If AI manages to surpass human intelligence hopefully it pans out like Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and people are able to cyberize their body.

  12. I used to play Super Smash Bros Melee all the time on my GameCube when I was little and I hated fighting against NPCs. Nintendo developed their characters a little too intelligent.

  13. I agree with your last sentence. Technological singularity can not be achieved especially because there are things that can only be done by a human.

  14. The interview video regarding AI's being the interviewer did spook me.

  15. I wonder how many things will really end up being automated over the next 10 or so years.

  16. AI is definitely one of my favorite subjects.

  17. The way we can actually engage with these unrealistic things and all this modern technology has been greatly impacted by artificial intelligence.
