Monday, September 5, 2022

IS101-3012 first impression

I have never taken a class like this before so I was nervous that I would not be able to pass because I didn't know anything. I search Professor Wu on and there were many good reviews. The class is time consuming so I have to adjust to finishing as much work ahead of time. I am looking forward to seeing what we will do in this class.


  1. Doing research ahead is wise. Glad you found many good reviews for me :-)

    Yes, this hands-on computer-based course is time consuming. Excellent mindset of willing to adjust and work ahead of the semester time table!

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022, Joshua ^_^

  2. Mr. Wu clearly set his expectations on the first day of class. I agree with you, work must be done ahead of time. is a great website to use.

  3. Alway's strive to stay ahead and when you do the class becomes so much easier and with the help of Professor Wu. we will all be successful.

  4. Don't be nervous, don't hesitate! Everything is the best start. We will learn and progress together in this course. Pass the exam together!

  5. ratemyprofessor is the best website for any aspiring college student. It's the Yelp of college professors.

  6. I did the same as you, Joshua. I started using after my first semester of college. I wish I knew about it sooner but it isn't always an accurate depiction of what the class will truly be like. We can do this!

  7. I see that a lot of people have used; I think I will use this for upcoming semesters.
    I like the fact that we can work ahead in this class as this will only benefit us to not fall behind.

  8. I have never heard of before. I think I will have to take a look into this site. Is it beneficial and accurate? Try not to be nervous when it gets a little tough, take a step back and breath. You will succeed this semester.

  9. It is a little difficult entering this class, I try my best to stay ahead of assignments as well. I wish you the best this semester and good luck!

  10. I was nervous too. But the professor show us that he cares about us to get 100% in his tasks.

  11. I was nervous too. Before I started this class someone told me this class was hard but after the first WebEx I felt great about taking this class.

  12. Time consuming is right, this class has realigned the compass of my heart and shifted it from playing video games into focusing on personal growth and study. I never thought I would be satisfied with playing only 30 minutes once every pay period but here I am.

  13. is a holy grail and I use it for all the courses I've taken. Although I did take a computer science class in high school (which I completely failed), this is my first computer-based class and I'm more curious than nervous because I look forward to applying these skills for personal & work use.

  14. I also have very little previous computer skills so I am glad to have a professor who takes time out to show us the basics along with teaching the curriculum.

  15. You are the second person whose search on ratemyprofessor I have read about. I also make an effort to complete my work as quickly as possible, even if some of my courses are highly challenging and require some time to complete. Take a deep breath; you can do this.

  16. This class is fast paced, and there is a lot of learning. I enjoy the hands on learning experience. I too researched Mr. Wu on Great ratings!

  17. I agree, this class is very time consuming

  18. Hello Joshua, you not alone I was nervous to take this class as well.

  19. I didn't know what to expect from this class as well, I can definitely say that it has put me in a position I have never been before. I consider myself to be very introverted, so the blogging and commenting on other's blogs has been kind of hard for me, but I just remember something my mom would tell me " Sometimes you have to do what you have to, so you can do what you want to.
