Sunday, October 23, 2022

5.5.5 Cell Formatting Facts

In Microsoft Excel, cell formatting is the process of changing the appearance of a cell to affect how the cell is displayed. Cell formatting can include changing the color of the cell, changing the style of the cell, or changing the size of the cell. You can customize the cells format, font and style to your preferences.


  1. Cell formatting is a popular and wide-ranging topic as one of your classmate also chose it but focused on different cell formatting functionalities/features ^_^

    Yes, changing the color, style, or size of the cell definitely helps to make your spreadsheet visually appealing or more professional :-)

  2. Formatting in Excel is so much fun! Just like in Word, you can customize your document to fit the message you are trying to convey, whether it be fun or professional.

  3. Excel provides several predefined table styles that you can use to format tables quickly. If predefined table styles do not meet your requirements, you can create and apply custom table styles. While you can only remove custom table styles, you can remove any predefined table style so that it no longer applies to the table.

  4. Holding Shift and double clicking a column or row just makes Excel so much more readable along with the wrap text button.

  5. I'm currently on 5.4 and I'm very excited to learn this feature!

  6. Thank you for the reminder I was having trouble with formatting my cells in Excel for my homework sheet and this refreshed how to fix it.

  7. I enjoyed learning about this feature. Formatting cells can create a creative worksheet.

  8. I enjoy being able to customize tables in this way but I find that I don't make my cells so flashy in real life.

  9. It is a lot fun formatting cells in Excel. It takes a lot time to format and use formulas, but at least the outcome is a lot easier to get to. Can't wait to finish Excel.

  10. I like cell formatting, I do not know when I would use it but the creative freedom I have is great!

  11. I was talking to my brother about Excel and he's been a computer guy for years. Because I've been taking this class and was telling him about formatting cell he said he googles it till this day.

  12. I agree. I like the formatting and color changes.

  13. When you want to distinguish between various cells or if you want some cells to stand out more than others, cell formatting is a useful tool.

  14. I love how cell formatting helps clean everything up quickly and accurately.

  15. Formatting is always one of the more interesting functions to me since it allows us a bit of creativity.
